Goal Getter
Celebrate this momentous occasion with this Goal Getter bouquet from us. A goal-getter bouquet is perfect for those who know what success looks like and a direct reflection of your personality, the achiever you have been! It's time for you to let people know that this was an exceptional year, one filled with many accomplishments!
Flower Types: Sunflower, Champagne Rose, Orange Rose and Eucalyptus.
Graduation Teddy: S - 18cm, M - 28cm.
All of our flowers are subject to availability. As with all natural products, the flowers may vary slightly in color.
Flower Availability & Substitution
Occasionally, circumstances beyond our control may necessitate substitutions if the flowers received from our wholesalers do not meet our stringent quality standards or if the exact flower specified is unavailable. In such cases, to maintain the freshness and timely delivery of your order, we implement our substitution policy.