Petals of Success
A Petals of Success bouquet is like no other gift. Filled with gorgeous, fresh-cut blooms, this lovely presentation is a reminder to the recipient that hard work and dedication always pay off. The beauty and unique presentation of the bouquet will bring a smile to anyone’s face. Whether given as encouragement for an upcoming test or celebrating a promotion, the Petals of Success bouquet is sure to fill any situation with joy and success. Just look at it, its sure to bring affirmation and motivation to help achieve even bigger goals in life.
Flower Types: Sunflower, Orange Rose Spray, Peruvian Lily, Wax Flower, Green Trick, Eustoma and Eucalyptus.
Graduation Teddy: S - 18cm, M - 28cm.
All of our flowers are subject to availability. As with all natural products, the flowers may vary slightly in color.
Flower Availability & Substitution
Occasionally, circumstances beyond our control may necessitate substitutions if the flowers received from our wholesalers do not meet our stringent quality standards or if the exact flower specified is unavailable. In such cases, to maintain the freshness and timely delivery of your order, we implement our substitution policy.